Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Life Well Lived: My First Love Story

Growing up, I did not realize my mother and father were a love story.
I came to realize that later...
But I was very aware of my grandparents.
My maternal grandparents were such an example of enduring.
My papa (pawpaw) was a handsome fellow, turning many an eye.
He and grandma were a 'steady item' til they 'broke it off'.
This went on for a while,
and he was seen at many a party with another girl.
BUT when he saw grandma with another fellow,
Papa decided it was time to marry my grandma.

Grandma would tell me her love stories.
And I so saw it in her eyes when Papa was diagnosed with lung cancer.
They fought it together, but it was to strong, and won.

That Christmas,
my uncle gave grandma this pencil print he had made for grandma,
she wept,
we all wept.

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It still hangs proudly in their home, reminding us of their legacy.
Their life well lived.
Nolan Nelson 01/1915-01/1981
Joycelyn Imogene 11/1918-11/1996
Married 11/1935
Sealed 02/2003

This print is taken from a photo grandma & papa had made previously, it is surrounded by flowers because both grandma & papa loved flowers. Red roses for him, Anything blooming for her.

On Saturday the second wedding will be held at the house they built, on the land they cleared. Love never ends...


  1. Lovely drawing and sweet story. Your gardens are looking great and how busy you must be with the wedding!

  2. That's a beautiful story. I hope the new couple is lucky enough to have the same kind of love that your grandparents obviously did!

  3. What a sweet story. It brought a tear or two to my eyes.
    How wonderful it will be to have the wedding at the house that your grandparents built. I know it will be so special.


  4. Carla, What a beautiful love story, and the saga continues generations later.

    No doubt your grandparents are together now.

    Hope everything is beautiful for this Saturday.

  5. How heart warming!

    I think many people today do not know how to make relationships work.

  6. Aw how sweet. That is a beautiful sketch.

  7. This is a beautiful post and a beautiful tribute to your grandparents. I love the pencil sketch. Someone has great talent.

  8. Beautiful story and tribute to your Grandparents. Thanks for sharing it. Amazing drawing! Jean

  9. May the second marriage that begins there be as happy as the first! Congrats to the newlyweds.

  10. What a sweet and touching story. Thanks for sharing. I just found a cache of love letters between my grandparents from when they first started dating. It was such a treasured find.
    What a lovely picture and a great way to remember your grandparents.
