Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bloomin' Tuesday: 08/25/09

This orange reminds me of summer.
It is doing great as a happy border bloomer.

I was not happy about finding my sun coleus burnt (not sure how) this morning,

But I was pleasantly surprised to see a bloom on my blackie sweet potato plant!!

Not very big, but a nice surprise:)

My little luna hibiscus plant is just blooming like crazy!

Mexican petunia finally blooming...


Wild Sunflower, I'm very pleased how well this is doing!
I pulled these up along the road side and started the seeds.
They grow in very poor sandy soil, so I didn't know if they would do well here.
So far they are on their second bloom, they have silvery leaves and cherry little blooms.

I was so glad this floss flower bloomed!
The plant was doing great and I could not remember what it was.
As soon as it bloomed, I remembered:)

I cut back the obedient plant blooms, I'm curious if I will get a second bloom this year.

You can really see the dragon wing fleece flower now.
The growth on this plant this year has been amazing:)
Have a wonderful Bloomin' Tuesday!
Join MsGreen "thumb" Jean for Bloomin' Tuesday! Come join in or see others!

Also Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Day Dreamer's


  1. Very nice...I love your Purslane in the first photo, I actually posted a photo of mine today. I have noticed that my sun-loving coleus need lots of water..

  2. I've still got sunflowers coming up all over the place in my garden. Always a nice, bright surprise!

  3. Pretty posies, all of them.

  4. Lots of interesting blossoms at your place this Tuesday. I hope the orchids do well in their new environment -- I killed the one we got when DH was sick around Easter.

  5. Hi Carla, What lovely blooms you have. I so envy that floss flower and don't have any as of yet. Some day. That potato vine flower is awesome! I've never seen one bloom so it is a nice surprise indeed.

  6. Hello, do you have a very nice blog!

    Please visit mine



    Pd mi favorite flower its from the patagonia, and its called Lupino!

  7. I love the orange blooms, the color is perfect! I didn't know that sweet potato vine blooms. The flower is lovely! Everything looks super! Jean

  8. Wow your garden is growing great. Very beautiful. You really have a green thumb. I don't have one much for flowers. But my vegetable garden is doing well this year. Have a great day. :)

  9. Great plants, some of them I have never heard of. It looks like you have some darling little grands, too. There is nothing in the world like your very own grandchildren! Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog today, I really appreciate it! Hugs, Cindy S

  10. I love the floss flower! All of them are pretty but that is my favorite.

  11. Beautiful colours, Carla! That orange and the yellow will liven up any yard. The hibiscus and Mexican petunia look great too.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog...and for your encouraging words. Always love to hear from you.

  12. How lovely to see all the beautiful blossoms in your garden!
    Hugs and blessings,

  13. So beautiful! I have a hard time believing that your yard has a weed patch. You really have a green thumb.

  14. Lovely blooms and yard.
    A happy outdoor post.

  15. I have green sweet potato plants that are trying to take over!! Do you think they bloom. I love the bloom on your dark one. Loved seeing all you flowers and plants!

  16. You have a remarkable variety of blooming plants in your garden. I'll bet the garden itself is beautiful. I hope you are having a wonderful day

  17. You have so many beautiful blooms. I love the orange one it is so vibrant. Have a great day.

  18. Can I borrow your green thumb:)

  19. Carla, I always enjoying looking at your blooms... just lovely.

  20. I love your plants! They are so pretty!

  21. How great to have such lovely flowers around you. Alas my thumb is beige. If it's not a geranium, I'll kit it. lol!

  22. What beautiful flowers. What is a pokeberry? Do you cook with them?

    Please stop by The Old Parsonage anytime, I love company!


  23. Those orange flowers are simply gorgeous! What a green thumb you have! Mine is brown...

    Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my kitchen table, too.

    God bless,
