Sunday, July 19, 2009

Son-Day: "Day by Day"

Day By Day

Fredric Nietzsche
Day by day
Day by day
Oh Dear Lord
Three things I pray
To see Thee more clearly
Love Thee more dearly
Follow Thee more nearly
Day by day....

A song from my youth
~Perfectly Said~
~God Bless You Day By Day~


  1. Carla, What a wonderful song or saying. Looking back at your post, love the cat.
    I was reading your profile and I understand the Piy cloud...I was having those same feelings the last several days...but life is too short so I decided to move on.
    You have a beautiful family.
    At first I thought you lived in Hearne, Texas but after a second look it says Here.

    Come and see me, I am going to add a list of just Texas Blogger when I redo my blog..soon.

  2. Aw, Thats beautiful, Happy SON DAY.

  3. Carla, that's one of my favs from my youth too! I really wish they taught those songs at our current church - I'd love to sing them with my kids. I guess I'll have to get the soundtrack instead.
