Monday, June 22, 2009

Tour De Yard: 06/09 pt 4

The view from my front steps toward the pond...

Looking from steps, along house...

Behind the steps are Taro and Ginger...

This washtub pot has a white blooming weed, yellow Daylilies, Purple Shamrock, Amaryllis, Sedum, Purslane, Morning Glory, Mexican Hydrangea and Clematis...

To its left is my Obedient plant grouping ...

This was all in one pot, and I just plopped it in the ground last year. Obedient plant is in front, Dragonwing Fleece Flower, Chinese False Indigo...

Close up of Dragonwing Fleece Flower and pink blooming Chinese False Indigo (love this grouping)...

Note to self: Obedient plant should go in back next time:)

Next is my old wheelbarrow friends of mine were throwing away, it has: Sedum, Purslane, small Pattypan Squash, and Violets (I pulled out all the lettuce)
At its base is Moss Rose, Early Sunrise Coreopsis and Mexican Petunia Katie...

To the left is a small red Hibiscus, Siloam Daylily, and Jerusalem Sage...

Silver Leaf (Power's Castle) Artesmia, Potatoes, Autumn Joy Sedum, pot of Porter Weed and Rainlilies...

My yellow rain lily bloomed :)...

Potatoes; Daylily; big bunch includes Sorrel, Salad Burnett, Rose of Sharon; Silver Leaf Artesmia...

White pot of Sedum; pot of Wild Jew, Shasta Daisies, Misty Rose; Squash, Potatos, Indigo...

Here is my Secret garden...(to the left a Princess tree, oats, Diana Rose of Sharon)

My favorite view...

To the right of pond, double purple Rose of Sharon, Limegreen Artesmia

Doing well all by its self...

So pretty:)

On the left: This white pot was planted with a sad Chinese Fringe bush (hopefully it will forgive me for torturing it), egg gourd, kettle gourd, bottle gourd, and Jack-N-Beanstalk (huge green) bean. Cannas in back; Aphrodite Rose of Sharon and lots of Clematis and Morning Glories in the green pot.

What you don't get to see?
My messy potting corner:)
Be afraid, be VERY afraid:)

I planted Sugar baby watermelons on the empty side of the garden...

Looking back at porch-sugar baby watermelons will fill in the right area as they spread.
I leave you with a beautiful, perfect Goddess Diana Rose of Sharon (Athela) bloom

Tomorrow the back yard...


  1. You have spend a lot of time and love in your yard and it shows!!!

  2. You got me all excited to see the watermelon plant. LOl. Love all your wonderful plants. You have created a very peaceful garden. Have a wonderful day. Hugs.

  3. You have so many great things! And I love it, you garden just like me, lots of stuff all mixed together! I call my garden a "fruit cocktail garden", you know, because fruit cocktail (like my garden) has a little bit of everything all mixed together!
    I love the false indigo, I've never seen that!

  4. Could you please come do something to my yard?? LOL! Everything looks so nice :)

  5. What a beautiful yard you have. I can only imagine how much time you have spent making it this gorgeous


  6. Wow, you have so many plants. How do you find the time to take care of them? I love Rose of Sharon, but they sure do multiply.
