Friday, May 1, 2009

Show & Tell: Tea Anyone?

I don't drink tea, I don't like it, never have, BUT I had to have this little 'tea kettle' when I saw it at Goodwill for a $1
(I use it to heat water for instant oatmeal)
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AND I had to have this HUGE tea cup planter! I've had my eye on these, and for my Easter present to myself, I choose this one (and a bamboo lazy Susan), there were some really cute spring colored ones, but I think these colors will work during all seasons.

So, plop in a plant, and my table is all decked out!!!
(plant is a new fangled airplane plant with a super cool orangish center)

Ta-da! And lately, with hubby and I eating alone together at the table everynight
(part of our new dedication to each other),
it really is 'Tea For Two'

Have a great weekend!!!!
Show and Tell


  1. those are so cute! I love the planter and the teapot!

  2. Cut teapot and tea cup planter. My husband and I always enjoy our meals together at the table. We also turn off the TV!!! I like to have fresh flowers when possible, too.

  3. Cute little teapot! Aren't Goodwills the greatest? :) I love those teacup planters as well!

  4. Cool finds! I have a planter like that with grape vines on it, the cup and saucer are two seperate pieces.

  5. I'm a big tea time fan, love all things "tea" so these really appeal to me!


  6. Love the kettle and the idea to change the cup into a flower pot is very creative, lol and looks nice.
    I never drank tea in my whole life until I discovered Hibiscus tea 3 years ago ! Now I am into peach tea, lemon tea, vanilla tea etc etc ! Hot or cold in summer !

  7. i bought the giant cup planter with orange and yellow tulips because it matched my kitchen! i also bought a cute little white tea pot just because i liked it..i use it to boil water.. wow we must be alike!

  8. Very cute planter...and NEVER had tea! What is the world coming to!!

  9. I love the little teapot. I think the plant really looks pretty in the teacup. don't you just love finding these little things we love in stores such as the Goodwill store?

  10. I prefer cozy little dinners for two over tv trays in the living room. Lucky, hubby likes to dine at the table, too.
    How can you NOT like tea??????? Girl, if Gov Perry finds out, he'll take away your Texas citizenship!

  11. I love the cuo. Did you insert a pot into it to make it a self watering cup?
    The tea pot is way to cool too!

  12. Love the tea kettle! I can't believe you got it for 1.00! What a deal!!!
    Your planter idea is precious! Have a wonderful Friday...Julie

  13. I love teapots, teacups and tea! I've only know one other person who doesn't like tea. I'm not a big fan of coffee. : )
    Nice items!!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog too.

  14. Oh my, I love that teacup planter!! That's just too cute! :)

  15. Great tea themed items - especially from a non-tea drinker.

    Thanks for visiting my blog today.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  16. Just beautiful! I've been thinking of one of the cup planters, but can't think of a place to put in our home.

  17. I'm an iced tea girl. But have never like hot tea either for some reason.

  18. Great finds !
    Happy May Day , I still can't believe you found these at the good will .The kettle is so cute and I love the colors of the Tea Cup Planter.

  19. Hi Carla...

    Just read the sweet note that you left for me on my angel in a jar happy that you came by my place for a visit and thank you for your sweet comments!!!

    My friend, I love your little teapot!'s great for boiling don't have to use it for tea!!! Oooh...and I love that big the pretty colors and it's perfect for your new airplane plant! A very pretty way to dress up your table for a "tea party for two"!!!

    Warmest wishes,

  20. I was looking at tea cup planters the other day in a magazine. Yours is a very pleasing design.
    My show and tell is finally up:

  21. I'd drink tea more if I had stuff like that! Usually I just dump a couple herbal tea bags in a water bottle, pour in the boiling water, shut it up, and drink it slowly as it cools down throughout the morning.

  22. Cute teacup planter. I love your teapot too, that was a good find. I love tea myself, but it works well for anything you need hot water for. :)

  23. Love that tea cup planter! Girl we drink so much tea in our house. Sweet tea that is!

  24. It looks very nice. I like those giant tea cup planters also.

  25. I've been seeing those huge teacup planters around .. I love them. Yours looks beautiful with the plant you've chosen.
    Thanks for sharing.

  26. Love the tea kettle and the large cup and saucer. Your kitchen table looks wonderful. With my youngest graduating from high school in just a few days, it's frequently just my husband and I at the table also - VERY strange, still can't get used to that one!


  27. Just lovely--like the tea for two! I LOVE that you have tea stuff and hate tea!

  28. what a great idea! i love it! i may have to steal it for myself! :)

  29. Oooh I love your teacup planter! Cool! But I don't understand why some people can't stand's a life-saver for me:)

  30. I bought one of those teacup planters are Wally-World, aren't they cute? I had one last summer, and left it out in winter to freeze and fall apart. So I was pleased to find them for sale again this year. Unlike you, I "am" a tea lover, so it's perfect for me.

  31. I love your mug and saucer. Makes a gorgeous planter. I came over for blooming tuesday, only to find you didn't have one. But I still got to see one of your lovely plants.
