Monday, April 27, 2009

Lunar Fringe...

I am an official Lunar (not to be confused with a Luna-tic) Gardener.

On Mondays I will post what I learned, or did (or both-lol ).

Soooooo, this week, just what is Lunar or Moon gardening?

"According to a National Geographic news article more gardeners today are turning to the moon for sage advice on the best time to plant, prune, weed, and harvest. The practice, known as moon or lunar gardening, centers on the moon's gravitational effect on the flow of moisture in soil and plants.

Gardening by the moon is as old as time. Long before man (and women!) ever had a watch on his wrist or a calendar on the refrigerator, everything was governed by the phases of the moon." Says Marion Owen of Planting by the Phases of the Moon.

Simply, the 'phase' of the moon, determines the best time for certain activities.

Normally, if something requires serious mind-stretching (intense learning), I avoid it.

I have always wanted to learn how to do this, so that I could do it on my own with out relying on someone else.

SO, this year, I'm learning (this and the book of Isaiah).

This is big stuff for me.

I am also following Grammy (the EmptyNester) at It's Green Day as she chronicles her 'adventures' planting by the moon, as well as other planting adventures.

As I learn I will follow the below chart taken from Farmer's Almanac website:

{I noticed Blogger cut off the 'by the moon phase' of the chart-follow the link to see your own, for your own area}

Outdoor Planting Table for 2009

My location is in Region 4 on the map.


This outdoor planting table shows 1) Planting Dates that reflect safe periods for planting in areas that receive frost and 2) Moon-Favorable periods. For above-ground crops, plant during the light of the Moon (new to full Moon); for below-ground crops, plant during the dark of the Moon (from the day after it's full to the day before it's new again). See our Moon Phase Calendar for these times in your area.

Take note: This is a broad-based system that divides the United States and southern Canada into four gardening regions. Your location in a region, topographic features, and frost dates (for the United States and Canada) should be considered to determine the most reliable plantings dates.

In this chart, crops designated as "plants" refer to vegetables that are usually transplanted and not started from seed. The other crops are better off started as seeds.

NOTE: Above-Ground Crops Marked * -- (E) Means Early -- (L) Means Late

Plant Time Planting Dates Moon Favorable
Feb 15-Mar 7Feb 24-Mar 7
*Beans(E)Mar 15-Apr 7Mar 26-Apr 7

(L)Aug 7-31Aug 20-31

Beets(E)Feb 7-28Feb 10-23

(L)Sep 1-30Sep 5-17
*Broccoli plants(E)Feb 15-Mar 15Feb 24-Mar 10

(L)Sep 7-30Sep 18-30
*Brussel sprouts
Feb 11-Mar 20Feb 24-Mar 10
*Cabbage plants
Feb 11-Mar 20Feb 24-Mar 10

Carrots(E)Feb 15-Mar 7Feb 15-23

(L)Aug 1-Sep 7Aug 6-19, Sep 5-7
*Cauliflower plants(E)Feb 15-Mar 7Feb 24-Mar 7

(L)Aug 7-31Aug 20-31
*Celery plants(E)Feb 15-28Feb 24-28

(L)Sep 15-30Sep 18-30
*Collards(E)Feb 11-Mar 20Feb 24-Mar 10

(L)Sep 7-30Sep 18-30
*Corn, sweet(E)Mar 15-31Mar 26-31

(L)Aug 7-31Aug 20-31
Mar 7-Apr 15Mar 7-10, Mar 26-Apr 9
*Eggplant plants
Mar 7-Apr 15Mar 7-10, Mar 26-Apr 9
*Endive(E)Feb 15-Mar 20Feb 24-Mar 10

(L)Aug 15-Sep 7Aug 20-Sep 4
*Kale(E)Feb 11-Mar 20Feb 24-Mar 10

(L)Sep 7-30Sep 18-30

Feb 15-Apr 15Feb 15-23, Mar 11-25, Apr 10-15
Feb 15-Mar 7Feb 24-Mar 7
Mar 15-Apr 7Mar 26-Apr 7
Apr 15-Jun 1Apr 24-May 8, May 24-Jun 1

Onion sets
Feb 1-28Feb 10-23
Feb 20-Mar 15Feb 24-Mar 10

Jan 15-Feb 4Jan 15-25
*Peas(E)Jan 15-Feb 7Jan 26-Feb 7

(L)Sep 15-30Sep 18-30
*Pepper plants
Mar 1-20Mar 1-10

Feb 10-28Feb 10-23
Mar 7-20Mar 7-10

Radishes(E)Jan 21-Mar 1Jan 21-25, Feb 10-23

(L)Oct 1-21Oct 5-17
*Spinach(E)Feb 7-Mar 15Feb 7-9, Feb 24-Mar 10

(L)Oct 1-21Oct 1-4, Oct 18-21
Mar 15-Apr 15Mar 26-Apr 9

Sweet potatoes
Mar 23-Apr 6Mar 23-25
*Swiss chard
Feb 7-Mar 15Feb 7-9, Feb 24-Mar 10
*Tomato plants
Mar 7-20Mar 7-10

Turnips(E)Jan 20-Feb 15Jan 20-25, Feb 10-15

(L)Sep 1-Oct 15Sep 5-17, Oct 5-15
Mar 15-Apr 7Mar 26-Apr 7
*Wheat, spring
Feb 15-28Feb 24-28
*Wheat, winter
Oct 15-Dec 7Oct 18-Nov 2, Nov 16-Dec 2

11th Heavens Homemaking Haven for Home Maker Monday
As for Me and My House for Making A Happy Home Monday


  1. Is this a lot different from The Farmer's Alminac? My husband is planting his by that.

  2. Okay this is really interesting and I bookmarked your link. I am going to read up on this too. I am such a poor gardener and would love to improve.

    Thank you.

    Have An Amazing Monday
    from The Raggedy Girl-Roberta Anne

  3. This is so interesting and I must come back and read it again. Thanks!

  4. My carpenter Robert is always talking about this. I didn't know what he was referring to at first. Forgot about the beloved Almanacs my grannies lived by.

  5. We've gardened by the moon and not... we've had good luck both ways. I'm sure you will have lots of produce for your efforts.

  6. Very interesting! Can't wait to hear what you learn and how it goes!!

    Thanks again for coming by on my SITS day!!

  7. I found the online almanac at that site had a diffrent day than the one the have you pay for. And there are lots of Almanacs and that is where all the confusion comes in. Like the cancer sign. The almanac she sent me is a farmers. And I have read so much on the biometric way. It take the old way of the almanac. And uses the sidereal which is where the moon actually is in the sky. They have tried and tested and improved the old way to a science. But they hold a few old customs too. I am going to use there planting dates. I just finished may in my calendar.

  8. Really fascinating--I am excited to hear your reports. LOVED the brain in a jar--that is me--so for now will just have to enjoy your adventures and blog!
