Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Life Well Lived: Uncle Paul Duke

My paternal Uncle Paul, my father's idol, tickle monster, the ultimate tease, hard as nails, full of life, hero among men, loved by his angelic wife, admired by the rest of us...

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Paul Duke:
born: 12/23/1937
12/2007 celebrated 50 years of marriage with his sweet bride
04/05/09 passed through the veil
04/08/09 body laid to rest and life rejoiced among family

This lovely little bell was made by my aunt, Unc Paul's wife, upon the 50 year celebration of their life together. It will always remind me of their life well lived.


  1. Sorry for your loss. May God be with your family during this time.

  2. cool bell! a life well lived indeed!!

  3. Sorry for your family's loss. Sounds as if he will be missed. The bell is a great reminder.

  4. My most sincere condolences...

  5. What a sweet tribute to your uncle. He must have been such a wonderful person for the way you celebrate and remember him. You are blessed to have known and loved someone like him.

  6. I am so sorry for the loss of your Uncle Paul, My prayers aye with you and his family.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, it sounds like you Uncle Paul was much loved and will be sadly missed.
    A beautiful tribute to him and what a lovely memory the bell will be for the whole family.
    God Bless.

  8. that's a lovely bell. 50 years of marriage... i pray to God that i will also have that with my husband. they're so blessed.

  9. I'm sorry for your loss, Carla. A beautiful bell... and nice way to be remembered.
