Sunday, January 11, 2009

Son-Day: "I'll Fly Away"


(Simon Dewey Prince of Peace)

I'll Fly Away

Some glad morning when this life is o'er,
I'll fly away;
To a home on God's celestial shore,
I'll fly away (I'll fly away).

When the shadows of this life have gone,
I'll fly away;
Like a bird from prison bars has flown,
I'll fly away (I'll fly away)

Just a few more weary days and then,
I'll fly away;
To a land where joy shall never end,
I'll fly away (I'll fly away)

I'll fly away, Oh Glory
I'll fly away; (in the morning)
When I die, Hallelujah, by and by,
I'll fly away (I'll fly away).

"I'll Fly Away," written by Albert E. Brumley in 1929, is a hymn most associated with American Baptists and the Church of Christ. It is an optimistic song about an earthly death that leads to everlasting life in glory with Christ.
"I'll Fly Away" has been called the most recorded gospel music song [3], beginning with a recording by James and Martha Carson, the "Barn Dance Sweethearts" of WSB Atlanta, in 1946, followed two years later by the Chuck Wagon Gang in 1948.
Bible Verses
1st Thessalonians 4:17 - Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.

My most favorite hymnal, or song ever!
God bless and keep you!
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  1. That song was always the "Special" I sang in church.
    You may like my poem in Road Trip to Redemption on my post today...I hope.

  2. I love this song and it was a favorite of my Dad's who did fly away. Thanks for sharing.
    Roberta Anne

  3. Oh Carla thanks so much for sharing this. I love the photo and I would love to grab it from you. I want to write about this song soon. You see it is one we sing to the baby. My daughter started singing it when he was only a month old when she changed him because he flapped his arms. Now it soothes him and I sing or hum mostly when I rock him. I hum because I didn't know the rest of the verses! I'll have to print and learn them.
    Thanks for this post. It made me smile today.
    Have a wonderfully Blessed warm few days...I think it is supposed to be cold again.
    Hugs and Smiles,

  4. Great video. I remember this song too. But don't remember from where. I have been to a number of diffrent churches over my life. I would call my self a student of religion. As I love to learn about all the different beliefs. As all have the same God and son . But they may be called diffrent names in diffrent cultures.

  5. That hymn brings tears to my eyes; but joyous tears, so that is good. I love those "old" hymns that I heard as a child. They have brought me much comfort these past weeks, as have your kind thoughts and prayers. My favorite hymn is "In The Garden", I don't sing worth a flip, but that's the one I often hum to myself when I need comfort.

  6. Thanks for the quotation of Albert Brumley's gospel song, "I'll Fly Away." (Today is the 32nd anniversary of his death.) If you'd like to know a bit more about him and the writing of the song, I invite you to check out my daily blog Wordwise Hymns. God bless.
