Thursday, December 4, 2008

Show & Tell: O Christmas Tree

O Christmas Tree

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree!
How are thy leaves so verdant!
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
How are thy leaves so verdant!

{I love my BIG fake Christmas tree covered with my 20+ years of special ornaments and pretty lights (most of our ornaments have been handed out to the child they belong to, so all that is left are hubby and my special ones (and some fillers)}
Not only in the summertime,
But even in winter is thy prime.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
How are thy leaves so verdant!

{I waited until (I thought I could stand it no more) Monday after Thanksgiving,
when down came Thanksgiving,
the hope chest was moved out of the way
(notice the kitty love fest going on:)}


O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
Much pleasure doth thou bring me!
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
Much pleasure doth thou bring me!

{last time the tree was decorated, I left the room only to return to find my 'precious' sons THROWING ornaments across the room to see if they 'caught' and hung on the tree-GRRRRRRRRR!}
For every year the Christmas tree,
Brings to us all both joy and glee.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
Much pleasure doth thou bring me!

{So this year, out came the boxes containing the tree parts,
and all the ornaments.
The girls I babysit went home
(they would have loved to have helped)}


O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
Thy candles shine out brightly!
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
Thy candles shine out brightly!

{The less than excited boys were bribed with cookies}
Each bough doth hold its tiny light,
That makes each toy to sparkle bright.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
Thy candles shine out brightly!

{The ceiling is shorter here,
so we decided to put the star NEAR the top,
BUT the star was burned out,
and the garland missing
(just where is that other box of Christmas stuff??)
so a trip to Walmart was needed,
only to find not enough garland was purchased,
AND the new star didn't work,
SO the next night ANOTHER trip to Walmart which only had one strand of garland,
SO the next day ANOTHER trip to a different Walmart,
WHICH produced our beautiful tree!!}


(the star only looks like its leaning in the picture)
No body died in the decorating of this tree
(although my patience was surely tested (Taylor)) Only one pine cone was thrown across the room
Shout out to:
Sweet tolerant hubby (you rock baby:) for the putting together and lighting of the tree
(21 years of tree decorating together and counting).
Missionaries that came for FHE, dinner, and quick decorating before leaving for an appointment.
Tay's friend who willingly helped til he had to leave.
Mike and Tay for seeing it through, after MUCH pushing
(love ya too much to argue Tay:).
Fred Claus for making us feel festive (after FHE and Missionaries left:)
Walmart for ALWAYS being open, and taking returns.
Little girls that ooo and ahhh.
Now just have to put up those empty boxes cluttering up my bedroom,
and find the lost Christmas box with the stockings in it!

Also my Pilgrim and Indian dolls from EBAY
AND Jessica from A Latte Moment who sent this cool cookbook as a prize this week! Happy Happy Joy Joy!
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However you celebrate remember our opportunity to be a little kinder, and show a little more love. Happy Holiday season for you and yours!
Show and Tell


  1. Great post!! We are short some lights this year as they burned out ON the tree after decorating--GRRRRRR!! I will watch for after Christmas clearance for new ones!! Have a great night. Julie

  2. Thanks for stopping by! Looks like you have a wonderful family...and some very cute grandbabies!!! Merry Christmas!

  3. love it!

    But I hate the part when we realize half the stuff doesn't work. grrrr

    glad not too much was thrown in the process...a success through and through!!

  4. You have the Christmas Cheer! Tree looks real? The dolls are my love!

  5. So bright, beautiful and cheerful! The whole look of your blog, the content is wonderful, Carla.

  6. You sing so well. I love your tree and the dolls are wonderful.

  7. You are so lucky to have so many helpers to decorate your tree! It came out pretty, glad to hear everyone lived through it...
    Love, Ann

  8. What fun to decorate with someone helping!

    Just stopping by to invite you to come to my nativity blog and enter the second giveaway:

  9. Very nice tree! I love the cat make-out session going on :-)

  10. I'm glad everyone survived the decorating.
    The tree looks great!

  11. Decorating is fun but I am always glad when it is behind me! Great post!

  12. The adventures of Tree Decorating! What a great post. Made me chuckle. I had visions of your boys tossing the ornaments. Sorry!
    Glad you were able to finally find a star that worked. :0)

  13. This is a great post! All of us can relate to years like this decorating the tree:)- the tangled lights...
    Linda C

  14. How pretty; now that you're all warmed up, wanna come up here and help me decorate?

  15. Hi Carla,

    It's lovely to hear from you. That's an impressive tree you've got there! :)

  16. Thank you for sharing your holiday decorations. Awww, your kitties love each other just like mine do!
    don't you love it when they cuddle each other?

    Thank you for stopping by. Come back any time!


  17. Tree looks great! I love the kitty love fest too! I posted photos of us and our cats for today, but ours aren't lovey cats with each other.

  18. Thanks for stopping by...and it looks like you and your family did a fine job decorating the tree.

  19. Beautiful tree, but I particularly like the kitties all curled in a ball.

  20. The tree looks great! A wonderful post.

  21. Carla, I've got to say I loved the boys throwing the ornaments. It's just such a boy thing to do. Our boy doesn't like to put up the tree. He'd rather play video games.

    The thing is, it's always more difficult than I think it will be. I'm putting mine up tomorrow I think. Yikes.~~Dee

  22. Nice job decorating! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  23. Looks great... after all that!! Wow. I put mine up early this year!! I was out of town for the week of Thanksgiving, so we put it up before we left!! Then it was all ready and the house all decorated when we arrived home! It was perfect! :)

  24. Thanks for visiting my blog - and commenting on so many posts :)

    I love how your tree turned out, and even more so hearing all that went on it getting it to look like that.

  25. Special ornaments are the best-you have a great tree and a great story behind it.

    Thanks for coming to visit my blog!

  26. First, love the pilgrim dolls! What a fabulous buy from Ebay!!! And the kitten love fest is super [I have two and love cats. In my opinion, cats rule!!]

    Then you Christmas tree!!! Simply beautiful!! You can't beat this time of year if you ask me.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I love to have company. You made my day. Have a great weekend.

  27. Thanks for stopping by my post today! :o) And thanks for sharing your Christmas memoires and decorating! You tree looks lovely. :o)

  28. Thanks for stopping by today and for sharing! Decorating the tree is always such a FUN time:)

  29. Hi Darla! What a sweet family and what a gorgeous tree! We are getting ours on Sunday...can't wait!! Thanks for visiting my blog.Have a wonderful weekend. Oh, I also love the quote on optimism!! So true!!
    Blessings, Becky

  30. LOL - glad everyone made it thru the ordeal so you could share it with us. What is this with stress and decorating going hand in hand.

    It all turned out so pretty - thanks for sharing with us.

  31. My hubby couldn't stand it, this year he begged and pleaded for me to put the tree up early. So I put it up almost a week before Thanksgiving. I wish I could fit a huge tree in my house. I love yours. Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see more of you!

  32. Your tree looks great! I can't wait to put mine up tomorrow:)

  33. Oh Christmas Tree. I've never heard it sung that way. lol.
    Thanks for the nice comments you made about my dolls. And yes, I co-host with Ginger on the Spiritual Sundays blog. We will be more than happy for you to join us. Everyone is welcome.

  34. What a fun post...loved all your little interjections during the song!
    Tree turned out great...worth the extra effort...


  35. Wow, thank you for all the comments and compliments you left me!

    The wall colors you see behind my pie cabinet are two different colors. Old Burgundy and Red Red Wine Olympic Paint from Lowe's. I used a "Woolie" to faux finish and I'm really pleased with the results.It hides the imperfections nicely as that's an "original" plaster wall circa 1920-something.

  36. Cute story! Your tree looks great!


  37. Putting up the tree looks quite funny in your home, lol ! We don't do it this early. Usually we put it up 2 weeks to 10 days before Christmas. But I did the advent decoration now, there I am late ! it starts the first sunday in december !

  38. Dear Carla: I stopped by your other blog- the quotes are great! I like this one too. Thanks for sharing your wonderful family. You are truly blessed. Noelle

  39. What a pretty tree. I have an artificial tree from Wal-Mart also. I bought it so it would fit in the right place.

  40. Your tree looks very nice! And nice on the song. ;)

    Thanks for stopping by! :)

  41. What a fun time everyone had decorating the tree! It's beautiful!

  42. Your tree is very big.


  43. This is a great post. It made you feel like you were right there in the middle of everything! Merry Chirstmas and thanks for your comment on my blog! Have a great day, Elena

  44. Your tree turned out great! They always do in the end, right?:)

    Thanks for dropping by to see my nativities!
