Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas treasures: pt 4

What I enjoy, what makes me smile?
FROGS! (and purple)
So when I saw purple garland, I knew it would go great with my singing Santa frog, and bell ringing Santa: (no, its not realistic, neither is a singing Santa frog, or SANTA for that matter:)

My mom gave me a frog each Christmas, so I wired them to a wreath where I can really enjoy them (see the mistle-toad, and frog angels?), little girl doll is from a dear cousin (love dollies too), Mr. and Mrs. Claus from an Uncle (poor Santa has lost his eye)

Frogs on the tree:
top left: Guady frog prince from my mom
top right: Indian or Mexican style wood frog
bottom left: Tiny frog, er, I mean kitten (BAD KITTY)
bottom right: Mistle-toad
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If your feeling froggy-JUMP:)

This is for:
11th Heavens Homemaking Haven for Home Maker Monday

Everyday Elegance for My Favorite Things Monday
As for Me and My House for Making A Happy Home Monday


  1. I'd love to see more of your frogs! What a fun collection.

  2. I love the wreath. What a fantabulous idea! That would be great for any sort of collection!

  3. Your Froggie is soooo cute!!! :)

    And your wreath is fun! Love it!!

  4. Cute wreath! Reminds me of my beloved stuffed monkey collection I had growing up. :)

    Thanks for visiting me.

  5. What a great idea! I would never have thought of could also apply to any small collectibles. You have started problems now, I will be making wreaths of everything.

  6. I LOVE those frogs!!! Thanks for linking up.

  7. I had a frog living here for awhile. Loved that little fella. My grandson has a frog-themed bathroom, which he will very soon be sharing with sister! I got him a bath mitt that looks like a frog the other day too.

  8. How fun and the wreath is neat.
    My Mom go the Teddies at a craft fair up in Big Bear Mountain, CA.

  9. I am frog CRAZY too! I had a real one when I was a little girl. Now I just love the cute fake ones. Great idea with the wreath.

  10. Hello Carla,

    Thanks for visiting my show and tell. What cute frog collection you have! :)

    Merry Christmas!

  11. They're all so cuuute!!! And thank you so much for stopping by my page!
