Tuesday, December 30, 2008

David turned ONE!

Ralph (after his dad), "David" (after my dad), Wayne (after his dad's side) is our third grandchild, first grandson, and he turned one on December 17, 2008
His party was the following Saturday.
Little man was SOO sleepy, but he managed to hold it together for the cake eating
and eating and eating and eating! (notice the zombie like look on his little face?:)

Then all hopped up on sugar he was good for a while till he really crashed

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in my arms, heaven pure heaven! Happy Birthday baby boy!!!


  1. ~HAPPY BIRTHDAY~ Great post! Come see the pictures I just posted on my blog :) Happy New Year 2009! ♥ Hugs :) Shauna

  2. Happy birthday little David! What a cutie.

  3. Happy Birthday!
    I love his perfectly round head! I just wanna rub it! LOL He's adorable!

  4. How adorable he is! I love the pic of dad and him at the glass door. So cute.

  5. Happy Birthday, David.

    So cute!

