Thursday, November 13, 2008

Home is Where You Hang Your Heart

Once a long time ago, I was Goodwill shopping with my kids.
My young son, DJ, picked up this wreath and said I should buy it.

At the time I was looking for flat things to hang in our small entryway.
It was perfect.
When we moved I hung it in the washroom for years.
DJ, now a grown up, told me I don't have to keep it just because he picked it out.
It would be ok to pass it on (donate to Goodwill).
But I'm not ready yet.
It will hang in our washroom here (maybe after I hose it off:),
and I will remember the little boy that found it,
and how true the saying is.
Home IS where you hang your heart.

{thanks for the little reminder:}

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  1. That's cute that he said that :) ♥ Hugs!

  2. That kindness to your son will NEVER be forgotten. What a sweet thing to do. Home, for sure, is where you hang your heart. Julie

  3. How sweet! I don't think I could part with it either.

  4. Do hold on to it...It's a lovely momento of your dear son.

  5. I don't blame you for wanting to hang on to it. Somethings are way too priceless to give away. You are a good Momma.

  6. Ha!!! I love this. And for the fact I still have something our own son found at a flea market and he told me "Mom, you really NEED this". It was a collector's plate from GWTW. Now they're selling for a goodly price...I got it for a couple of bucks...but, like you's the little boy that found it for mom.

    My show n tell this week is all Thanksgiving ---come by if you can find time...won't you?

    Happy weekend!

  7. Awww! That is so precious! I would keep it forever too!

  8. Oh, what a sweet post. I would leave it hanging also.

  9. That is just too sweet, I never take it down!

  10. LEAVE IT - thats my vote

    you can always 'rework it too' tho to fit in with your decor, just some paint and it would match.

    Barring that, I always tell folks, if you HAVE to give it away or lose it at some point, take a PHOTO of it then make a scrapbook page with journalling to preserve the memory.

    thanks for sharing!

  11. It's all the more precious bz he picked it out! I have decorations that I've had for 30 years since I moved from home but they mean something to me and I keep them! They may not be the trendiest but I still like them so I keep them!!

  12. So cool! Things specially picked out by our children are priceless. I love the sentiment you added also.
    Linda C

  13. The saying is so true. I know I'd have to keep it.

  14. Lovely post title and such a aweet story...

  15. How sweet. I've always loved that saying. It's certainly very true. :)

  16. I don't like to get rid of things like that with sentimental value. I just keep moving them from room to room for years!

  17. Gorgeous wreatha nd great show and tell

  18. Carla,
    Thank you, thank you, for your lovely comments on my nativity blog posts. Do come back for my upcoming posts,
    All the best to you and family this holiday season,

  19. What a sweet post. That is the perfect example of our hearts at home.

  20. AAWWW! I'm sweet of him...and you for hanging onto it...I would too!


  21. your so nice to keep it that long. Some things just are memories we don't want to let go of! I totally am with you there!

  22. Sweet story about DJ! I think he made a great choice, and I would keep it too!


  23. Sentimental things are the best. Do you remember commenting on my S & T with the poll on where to hang the fork chandy? You suggested that I left out the category to move it around. Guess what. You were right. I have already moved it to another place. I should have thought of that.

  24. That is precious, Carla! I would keep it forever!

  25. What a cute wreath - thanks for showing it to us. I love the birds.

  26. HeeHee! I love Goodwill!
    We finally got one in our small town last year!
    The hanging is nice...and yes, it's nice to have a reminder.
