Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hardy Butterfly Bush

Moving stuff around yesterday, I found this baby growing wild, in spite of being in a tiny pot, and receiving little water. (it is laying down because it is too top heavy to stand)

So, to honor it, it was bumped up to a gallon pot, and watered well.
Look at this bloom!

Buddleia Butterfly Bush 'Pink Delight' Grows to 15' tall; Large, fragrant flower clusters attract butterflies. Bloms July-August. Attractive gray-green foliage. Ideal choice for mixed borders or perennial gardens.
{and I agree!}
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  1. Does it attract a lot of butterflies? If so, I might try it next year in my "butterfly sanctuary" (aka 3x4" patch of garden).
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. I love the Butterfly Bush .
    You can make them so Japanese like in style. They did not live long at my old home for some reason. Maybe 3 years but I loved them. Happy Thanks giving my friend.

  3. How wonderful! I need to get out there and cut mine back a bit. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  4. DO you think it'd survive in Arizona heat? Gorgeous!

  5. Hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving :) ♥ Hugs!

  6. I bought two of these plants this past spring. One is pink and one is white. The pink one... the leaves turned white and had very few blooms. I wonder what the problem is. The white one did well. It is my first time growing these and for their first few months I wasn't here to take care of them... I had a plant sitter. They do have beautiful blooms and attract butterflies and bees and other insects.

    Happy Thanksgiving!
