Wednesday, September 17, 2008

WORDLESS WEDNESDAY: Where there is (no) will (power) there is a way...


  1. Did you take that photo at my house? No, I guess not, or the package would have been LICKED clean! What is it in chocolate that we crave? It is like a drug to me!

  2. Hi, Carla, I enjoy your comments so much on my blog! Hope you are having a glorious week! With all that chocoalte, Yum! No doubt about it! Anyway, I wanted you to know I tagged you to receive the Autumn Friends Award. And hope you'll stop by my site to see more about it!! Blessings! Carolyn

  3. I know it is wordless Wednesday and I love chocolate as much as the next person but since I a a little slow on the uptake--so is your power out and the chocolate melted or is this just the way you prefer your chocolate or what? I love the spoon :-)

  4. I love how you turned what could have been a frustrating bad situation into a delicious and delightful treat :-) Now I'm craving chocolate. I'm off to see if I have some chocolate melting somewhere in this house.

  5. oh no!! What happened, did they get left in the car? Oh well..calories gained, right? Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope to hear from you again soon:)

  6. You and I are cut from the same cloth. LOVE the spoon...chocolate is chocolate...melted or not!!

  7. Sweet, loving, (enabling:) hubby brought home yummy chocolate from the Russell Stover's Factory, when I opened it we found it had melted while in his hot truck:), however, being the resourceful person I am, I used a spoon (and licked it clean:)

  8. Who'll be able to resist that?! Looks too Yummy to be left just lying there!

    Carla, just wanted to thank you for visiting me often. I love it!!

  9. Yes! Chocolate is chocolate, no matter what shape it's in!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog.


  10. Oh my favorite things in life include candy. May be at the top of my list
