Saturday, September 27, 2008

where to hide from chores:)

This COULD be my house!!! Both my boys wear this uniform. Thank goodness I didn't pick a couch this color:)


  1. This was GREAT! I am sitting here looking at it and thinking--military uniforms aren't floral--I hate when I don't "get' things! And then all of a sudden I could see the soldier. I could never see the hidden picture in those posters that were so popular for awhile either. I'm still not sure if any one could--maybe they were all pretending.

  2. It took me awhile to find hte person on the couch!! This is too freaky. Wish I could hide from chores that easy, sigh......those days are over bz if mama don't do it, it don't get done!

  3. Oh my gosh...I didn't even see him at first! Too funny!

  4. Too funny, took me awhile to find the soldier laying on the couch. lol

  5. Very funny! My boys would hide for sure come chore time! (they all have camo outfits!)
