Monday, August 11, 2008

The garden tour (or meet my babies): Secret garden, pt 1

This is the view of the yard from the property corner (again), to the left you can see the entrance to the secret garden. You cant see this at all from the drive.

Until you get you close, you can't see in. When you are sitting in a chair inside-people really can't see you. As said before-the 'floor' needs leveling and mulching. I have a swing that goes in here and I'm looking forward it swinging in it. It is full of my babies, lets take a closer look...

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This is the 'entrance', as I go down my steps off of my front porch, this is what I see.

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On the left are three tall babies that block the view well. Most left is a Princess tree (Paulownia?) She is a super fast grower-UNLESS you keep her root bound in a pot:)

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At her base is sea oats and some hyperion daylilies.

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I was so happy to see a bloom (yes its blurry, but you have to be quick to get the ONE and only bloom that lasts ONE and only one day)

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Next to the Princess is a Bird of Paradise or Pride of Barbados tree with iris' and a creeping rose at its base. It will be moved over to share the same spot as the moon plant next to the deck (I imagine over looking the railing to see the crazy orange and yellow blooms at eye level-I'm such an artist-NOT:)-next to it is my Diana Athela or Rose of Sharon (my grandma called Rose of Sharons Alfies:). Diana is a 'special' breed that doesn't seed, blooms pure white blooms, and is named after the Greek Goddess. There is a whole (old) collection of the Goddesses, I'm on the look out for the remaining ones. She, Diana, is in almost NO dirt with strawberries, sweet potato vine, and an amaryllis at her base. She has been blooming like crazy (must be the worm castings I feed her:)

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Behind these plants you can see a little 'wild herb' bed. In it is a Rose of Sharon (from FTW plant swap) that's double lt pink; comfry, salad barnet? burnet? salad something, and tansy.

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My tansy actually bloomed! I have killed many a tansy-and I'm so proud of this poor plant for not only living, but blessing me with pretty yellow button blooms. (The little kitten is Tiny-a stray I got (took in) on my birthday 06/02/08))

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This is the secret potting corner BEFORE!

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This is it AFTER!!! I still need to organize my Rubbermaid containers, but I'm please to have a corner to make a mess and not have to worry about it!

Next we'll do the right side of the Secret Garden...


  1. What a pretty garden. I love all those blooms and that zig-zag path. Very cool.

  2. Your secret garden is coming along very well. Daylilies are one of my favorite flowers for cutting. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. It's wonderful.
    Looks like you have done a lot with plans to do a lot more.
    May God send sun and rain to bless your garden.

  4. What a great place to escape to! Has your bird of paradise bloomed yet? Mine have bloomed more this year than ever before, maybe they thrive on the intense heat!

  5. Hi Carla--Thanks for commenting on my blog. You asked what church we were standing in front of on our wedding day. Actually it is a temple located in Logan, Utah. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We have the opportunity to get married in the temple for time and eternity if we are worthy to enter. It was a beautiful day. After we have entered the temple and keep the covenants we have made there we can go again and again. It is beautiful, peaceful and such a blessing. Hope that all made sense. If not, just ask....have agreat day. Julie

  6. Oh, I love your secret garden! How nice. I haven't done any planting this year :( Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  7. Sorry, I was signed in under my son's account :)

  8. I love secret gardens. I would like to make one, but right now I just can't find the time. Maybe this Winter, I will decide where to start. I love yours. Can't wait to see the rest of it.

  9. Your garden is lovely! You've made it a beautiful place.
