Saturday, July 12, 2008

Flybaby update-then off to bed

This week,
master bath : cleaned and organized
master bedroom: clean and organized
hall bath: clean and organized
living room: cleaned and clutter removed, smaller computer desk set up, big desk taken out (it was blocking windows, put pictures of kids out
kitchen: cleaned and organized above fridge, clean and organized next to sink (pile up area)
(not finished-I still need to organize the cabinets from the move)
moved all of 2007 Kodak pic off of computer to disk (took forever)
decided where to hang pictures on walls through out house
decided what to put in pots outside (sweet potato vines)
working on morning routine DAILY!!!


  1. my sink is really sad right now...

  2. LOL-just shine your sink-THEN work on the dirty dishes!!! You will hear it sing! I promise!

  3. After your first flylady post I visited the website. What a godsend! I suffer from depression so my house can easily get cluttered. I think this method will help me. It did this week so much that I finished all my chores by 8:30 this morning and have been free the rest of the day and my house is clutter free!
