Thursday, July 10, 2008

Closet Flybaby...

I'm a flybaby. There I said it. I'm a side-tracked-homemaker. In our family we call it 'swab' (said with love), or 'clutter-bug'. I fell off the flybaby wagon, so I'm crawling back on today. I have my grandbabies-Laura June 18 mos, David 6 mos, and my extras-R 4 yrs, K 2 1/2 yrs, so I will work around David's needs today. It is amazing how much I got done Monday with all four just 15 minutes at a time (15 minutes cleaning-15 minutes computer time:)! I cleaned both bathroom (nasty floors), my room (was getting piled up), and did laundry (yes, wash dry AND put away!!), plus kept an eye on the little ones!!!!

So, off to do my morning routine, zone for the day, and finish up the mess in my bedroom-expect a progress report tomorrow!!!! Babystep, babystep, babystep...

Ck out flylady at


  1. I think about Flylady every night. When I see the kitchen sink, I sooo want it to shine! Thanks for reminding me. Maybe I'll climb back on the flybably wagon with you...

  2. Woo hoo! Someone that knows what I mean when I say I'm a flybaby! Most people think I mean I'm a baby fly-ugh! Our saying 'round here is: "a clean sink is a happy sink"
